Figure 3.
Figure 3. Premature stop codon in the wan band-3 gene. (A) Chromatogram showing the sequence of Slc4a1 encoding erythroid band-3 in control (+/+) and wan/wan genomic DNA. In wan homozygotes, a C>T transition (arrows) results in a premature stop codon at amino acid 85 within the cytoplasmic domain of band 3. (B) BfaI restriction digest of PCR-amplified products from control (+/+), homozygous (-/-), and heterozygous (+/-) mice resolved on a 2% NuSieve gel. The transition in the band-3 gene in wan creates an additional BfaI site (red arrow) that was exploited to genotype mice.

Premature stop codon in the wan band-3 gene. (A) Chromatogram showing the sequence of Slc4a1 encoding erythroid band-3 in control (+/+) and wan/wan genomic DNA. In wan homozygotes, a C>T transition (arrows) results in a premature stop codon at amino acid 85 within the cytoplasmic domain of band 3. (B) BfaI restriction digest of PCR-amplified products from control (+/+), homozygous (-/-), and heterozygous (+/-) mice resolved on a 2% NuSieve gel. The transition in the band-3 gene in wan creates an additional BfaI site (red arrow) that was exploited to genotype mice.

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