Figure 6.
Figure 6. Mature moDCs infected with HCMV decrease membrane expression of CD83 and release increased amounts of soluble CD83 into the supernatant. CD83 rapidly disappears from the surface of IE1-positive mature moDCs but is still expressed intracellularly on (A) day +1 or (B) day +3 after infection (shaded histograms, isotype controls; open histograms, anti-CD83). Positive controls for surface CD83 expression comprise the non-HCMV-exposed moDCs as well as the bystander, uninfected and thus IE1-negative moDCs in the HCMV-exposed cultures. (C) ELISAs detected soluble CD83 in the supernatants of infected and uninfected mature moDC cultures (n = 3; mean ± SD), each assessed in triplicate. Infected mature moDC cultures released significantly more soluble CD83 than uninfected control cultures (*P < .05; Student t test). HCMV-infected and uninfected HUVECs, which never express CD83, provided the negative controls (left). Soluble CD83 could not be detected after CD83 immunodepletion (right).

Mature moDCs infected with HCMV decrease membrane expression of CD83 and release increased amounts of soluble CD83 into the supernatant. CD83 rapidly disappears from the surface of IE1-positive mature moDCs but is still expressed intracellularly on (A) day +1 or (B) day +3 after infection (shaded histograms, isotype controls; open histograms, anti-CD83). Positive controls for surface CD83 expression comprise the non-HCMV-exposed moDCs as well as the bystander, uninfected and thus IE1-negative moDCs in the HCMV-exposed cultures. (C) ELISAs detected soluble CD83 in the supernatants of infected and uninfected mature moDC cultures (n = 3; mean ± SD), each assessed in triplicate. Infected mature moDC cultures released significantly more soluble CD83 than uninfected control cultures (*P < .05; Student t test). HCMV-infected and uninfected HUVECs, which never express CD83, provided the negative controls (left). Soluble CD83 could not be detected after CD83 immunodepletion (right).

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