Figure 3.
Figure 3. Influence of CaCl2 concentration on polymerization parameters. Thrombin-catalyzed fibrin polymerization was performed as indicated for Figure 2. For each calcium concentration, polymerization was performed 3 times. Average values of lag time (A) and Vmax (B) for normal (▪), γN308K (•), γN308I (▴), and γN308A (⋄) fibrinogens were determined as described in “Materials and methods.”

Influence of CaCl2 concentration on polymerization parameters. Thrombin-catalyzed fibrin polymerization was performed as indicated for Figure 2. For each calcium concentration, polymerization was performed 3 times. Average values of lag time (A) and Vmax (B) for normal (▪), γN308K (•), γN308I (▴), and γN308A (⋄) fibrinogens were determined as described in “Materials and methods.”

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