Figure 1.
Figure 1. Cellular distribution of 440c antigen within murine splenocytes. (A) In total splenocytes, mAb 440c recognizes subsets of CD11c+ and Ly-6C+ cells, but not CD11b+, CD3+, CD19+, or DX5+ cells. (B) Within CD11c-enriched splenocytes, mAb 440c recognizes a Ly-6C+/B220+/CD8αhi/lo/CD11b- subpopulation. Plots represent gated CD11c+ cells. (C) mAb 440c recognizes only CD11c+/Ly-6C+ cells within splenocytes derived from mice that have been injected intraperitoneally with MCMV.

Cellular distribution of 440c antigen within murine splenocytes. (A) In total splenocytes, mAb 440c recognizes subsets of CD11c+ and Ly-6C+ cells, but not CD11b+, CD3+, CD19+, or DX5+ cells. (B) Within CD11c-enriched splenocytes, mAb 440c recognizes a Ly-6C+/B220+/CD8αhi/lo/CD11b- subpopulation. Plots represent gated CD11c+ cells. (C) mAb 440c recognizes only CD11c+/Ly-6C+ cells within splenocytes derived from mice that have been injected intraperitoneally with MCMV.

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