Figure 6.
Figure 6. PU.1 regulates adult erythropoiesis. (A) Expansion of PU.1+/G and WT BM erythroid progenitors cells in erythroid medium. A total of 105 WT or PU.1+/G purified Lin– (B220–Gr1–TER119–CD3–F4/80–CD16/32–NK1.1–) BM cells were seeded in erythroid medium; cell numbers were counted daily. Graph is representative of 3 experiments, 5 mice of each genotype in all. (B) Erythrocyte regeneration following phenylhydrazine-induced stress. PU.1+/G and WT mice were injected with phenylhydrazine (2 injections 24 hours apart) to induce anemia. The number of splenic CFU-E (top) and TER119+ cells (bottom) were quantified between 3 to 5 days after the first injection. Two experiments are shown (means and SDs), 3 mice for each time point.

PU.1 regulates adult erythropoiesis. (A) Expansion of PU.1+/G and WT BM erythroid progenitors cells in erythroid medium. A total of 105 WT or PU.1+/G purified Lin (B220Gr1TER119CD3F4/80CD16/32NK1.1) BM cells were seeded in erythroid medium; cell numbers were counted daily. Graph is representative of 3 experiments, 5 mice of each genotype in all. (B) Erythrocyte regeneration following phenylhydrazine-induced stress. PU.1+/G and WT mice were injected with phenylhydrazine (2 injections 24 hours apart) to induce anemia. The number of splenic CFU-E (top) and TER119+ cells (bottom) were quantified between 3 to 5 days after the first injection. Two experiments are shown (means and SDs), 3 mice for each time point.

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