Figure 5.
Figure 5. Microarray analysis of bone marrow cells from Mll and wild-type mice. (A) Principal components analysis using the genes identified in the ANOVA. Each of the colored dots represents a mouse sample: red indicates WT; blue, preleukemic; and green, leukemic. The first 3 eigenvectors are used to map the samples in 3-dimensional space. (B) Relative expression values of Hoxa5, Hoxa6, Hoxa7, Hoxa9, and Hoxa10 in wild-type (WT), preleukemic, and leukemic mice. Data represent means and standard errors. (C) Hot-map of Hox gene expression. Each column represents a mouse sample while each row represents a Hox gene transcript. Increasing expression levels are represented by progressively brighter shades of red while darker shades represent relatively lower expression. Arrows point to genes showing significant changes in expression between wild-type, preleukemic, and leukemic mice. (D) Relative expression values of the TALE protein genes Meis1 and Pbx1 in wild-type (WT), preleukemic, and leukemic mice. Data represent means and standard errors.

Microarray analysis of bone marrow cells from Mll and wild-type mice. (A) Principal components analysis using the genes identified in the ANOVA. Each of the colored dots represents a mouse sample: red indicates WT; blue, preleukemic; and green, leukemic. The first 3 eigenvectors are used to map the samples in 3-dimensional space. (B) Relative expression values of Hoxa5, Hoxa6, Hoxa7, Hoxa9, and Hoxa10 in wild-type (WT), preleukemic, and leukemic mice. Data represent means and standard errors. (C) Hot-map of Hox gene expression. Each column represents a mouse sample while each row represents a Hox gene transcript. Increasing expression levels are represented by progressively brighter shades of red while darker shades represent relatively lower expression. Arrows point to genes showing significant changes in expression between wild-type, preleukemic, and leukemic mice. (D) Relative expression values of the TALE protein genes Meis1 and Pbx1 in wild-type (WT), preleukemic, and leukemic mice. Data represent means and standard errors.

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