Figure 4.
Figure 4. Hypergammaglobulinemia and antigen-specific antibodies in HIV-1 infection. The plasma concentration of antibodies to measles and tetanus toxoid and of plasma total IgG was analyzed in 52 HIV-1–infected (▪) and 20 healthy individuals (□). Anti-TT and anti–measles antibodies are expressed as IU/mL, plasma IgG are expressed as g/L. Differences were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test, and P values are reported in the sections on specific antibodies.

Hypergammaglobulinemia and antigen-specific antibodies in HIV-1 infection. The plasma concentration of antibodies to measles and tetanus toxoid and of plasma total IgG was analyzed in 52 HIV-1–infected (▪) and 20 healthy individuals (□). Anti-TT and anti–measles antibodies are expressed as IU/mL, plasma IgG are expressed as g/L. Differences were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test, and P values are reported in the sections on specific antibodies.

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