Figure 7.
Figure 7. Immunization with Hsp70L1-OVA257-264 hybrid peptide protects mice against E.G7-OVA tumor challenge. C57BL/6 mice were immunized subcutaneously on the thigh with reconstituted Hsp70L1-OVA257-264, Hsp70-OVA257-264 peptide hybrid, SIINFEKL Hsp70L1 mix, Hsp70L1, Hsp70, or OVA alone. Five days after the final immunization, mice were challenged subcutaneously with 3 × 106 E.G7-OVA tumor cells to the flank area. (A) Tumor growth curves. Following E.G7-OVA tumor challenge, tumor growth was monitored by measuring the diameter of the tumor every 2 days and recorded as the average tumor diameter. (B) Survival of immunized mice after E.G7-OVA tumor challenge. Each group contained 10 mice.

Immunization with Hsp70L1-OVA257-264 hybrid peptide protects mice against E.G7-OVA tumor challenge. C57BL/6 mice were immunized subcutaneously on the thigh with reconstituted Hsp70L1-OVA257-264, Hsp70-OVA257-264 peptide hybrid, SIINFEKL Hsp70L1 mix, Hsp70L1, Hsp70, or OVA alone. Five days after the final immunization, mice were challenged subcutaneously with 3 × 106 E.G7-OVA tumor cells to the flank area. (A) Tumor growth curves. Following E.G7-OVA tumor challenge, tumor growth was monitored by measuring the diameter of the tumor every 2 days and recorded as the average tumor diameter. (B) Survival of immunized mice after E.G7-OVA tumor challenge. Each group contained 10 mice.

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