Figure 1.
Figure 1. Putative amino acid sequence of Hsp70L1 and alignment with human Hsp70s. Identical residues are in black and similar residues are in gray. Hsp70 family signature sequence is boxed, and potential N-linked glycosylation sites marked with an asterisk (*). Hsp70L1 sequences are available from GenBank under accession number AF143723. Other human Hsp70 family members are Hsp72 (HS72_human), Hsp76 (HS76_human), Hsp71 (HS71_human), Hsp70-HOM (HS7H_human), and Hsc70 (HS7C_human).

Putative amino acid sequence of Hsp70L1 and alignment with human Hsp70s. Identical residues are in black and similar residues are in gray. Hsp70 family signature sequence is boxed, and potential N-linked glycosylation sites marked with an asterisk (*). Hsp70L1 sequences are available from GenBank under accession number AF143723. Other human Hsp70 family members are Hsp72 (HS72_human), Hsp76 (HS76_human), Hsp71 (HS71_human), Hsp70-HOM (HS7H_human), and Hsc70 (HS7C_human).

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