Figure 6.
Expression of lymphoid lineage–associated genes and chemokine receptors in FB and FL subpopulations. The mRNA was prepared from IL-7R– and IL-7R+ cells in FB and FL from 12-dpc fetuses, mRNA from whole 18-dpc FT cells, and adult bone marrow cells (BM) was used as controls. Samples equivalent to 300 cells were analyzed by RT-PCR.

Expression of lymphoid lineage–associated genes and chemokine receptors in FB and FL subpopulations. The mRNA was prepared from IL-7R and IL-7R+ cells in FB and FL from 12-dpc fetuses, mRNA from whole 18-dpc FT cells, and adult bone marrow cells (BM) was used as controls. Samples equivalent to 300 cells were analyzed by RT-PCR.

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