Figure 4.
Figure 4. NK and DC potential of circulating T-cell progenitors. (A) IL-7R+ cells (100 cells) of 12-dpc FB were individually cultured for detection of potential to generate T and NK cells. Representative flow cytometric profiles of cells generated from a p-T/NK, p-NK from 12-dpc FB, p-Tuni's from 14-dpc FT are shown. (B) Representative flow cytometric profiles of cells generated from a p-T/NK for the expression of CD4 versus CD8 and TCRαβ versus TCRγδ are shown. (C) The frequencies of p-T/NKs, p-Ts, and p-NKs in IL-7R+ cells from 12-dpc FB, those in FcR– cells from 12-dpc FT, and those in CD44+CD25+ cells from 14-dpc FT are shown. (D) The procedure for the detection of T, NK, and dendritic potential of a single progenitor. (E) EGFP+ DCs generated from a single progenitor. (F) The numbers of progenitors with DC potential among p-T/NKs and p-NKs in IL-7R+ cells of 12-dpc FB are shown.

NK and DC potential of circulating T-cell progenitors. (A) IL-7R+ cells (100 cells) of 12-dpc FB were individually cultured for detection of potential to generate T and NK cells. Representative flow cytometric profiles of cells generated from a p-T/NK, p-NK from 12-dpc FB, p-Tuni's from 14-dpc FT are shown. (B) Representative flow cytometric profiles of cells generated from a p-T/NK for the expression of CD4 versus CD8 and TCRαβ versus TCRγδ are shown. (C) The frequencies of p-T/NKs, p-Ts, and p-NKs in IL-7R+ cells from 12-dpc FB, those in FcR cells from 12-dpc FT, and those in CD44+CD25+ cells from 14-dpc FT are shown. (D) The procedure for the detection of T, NK, and dendritic potential of a single progenitor. (E) EGFP+ DCs generated from a single progenitor. (F) The numbers of progenitors with DC potential among p-T/NKs and p-NKs in IL-7R+ cells of 12-dpc FB are shown.

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