Figure 8.
Figure 8. Thr225 of NKp46 is crucial for the recognition of tumor cells by NKp46. 1106mel cells were stained with the wild-type NKp46-Ig or with the sugar-mutated forms NKp46T125A, NKp46N216A, NKp46T225A, or NKp46T225N, followed by PE-conjugated goat antihuman Fc. Gray histograms represent the background staining of PE-conjugated goat antihuman Fc. Open histograms represent fusion protein staining. Figure shows one representative experiment of 4 performed.

Thr225 of NKp46 is crucial for the recognition of tumor cells by NKp46. 1106mel cells were stained with the wild-type NKp46-Ig or with the sugar-mutated forms NKp46T125A, NKp46N216A, NKp46T225A, or NKp46T225N, followed by PE-conjugated goat antihuman Fc. Gray histograms represent the background staining of PE-conjugated goat antihuman Fc. Open histograms represent fusion protein staining. Figure shows one representative experiment of 4 performed.

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