Figure 8.
Figure 8. Repression of c-Myc and growth inhibition by Blimp-1. (A) Semiquantitative RT-PCR for ectopic Blimp-1. Tot2p210 cells were transduced with control MSCV-CD8t or MSCV-Blimp-1-CD8t. Transduced cells were purified by immunomagnetic cell sorting using anti-CD8 antibody on day 2. (B) c-Myc transcript level quantified by real-time RT-PCR. (C) Cell growth rate (fold increase in cell number) during day 2 to day 6. Data represent mean ± SD in triplicate.

Repression ofc-Mycand growth inhibition by Blimp-1. (A) Semiquantitative RT-PCR for ectopic Blimp-1. Tot2p210 cells were transduced with control MSCV-CD8t or MSCV-Blimp-1-CD8t. Transduced cells were purified by immunomagnetic cell sorting using anti-CD8 antibody on day 2. (B) c-Myc transcript level quantified by real-time RT-PCR. (C) Cell growth rate (fold increase in cell number) during day 2 to day 6. Data represent mean ± SD in triplicate.

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