Figure 1.
Figure 1. Diagram of the RBC transport systems that participate in Ca2+-induced dehydration. The top part of the figure shows the transporters of Ca2+, Cl-, and H+ responsible for the net gain of CaCl2 by RBCs when exposed to the ionophore A23187. With RBCs suspended in a Ca2+-containing plasmalike medium, addition of the ionophore A23187 triggers an electroneutral entry of Ca2+ in exchange for protons with a Ca2+:2H+ stoichiometry. With CO2 concentrations at equilibrium across the RBC membrane, the anion exchanger (AE) and CO2 shunt operate jointly like an electroneutral Cl-:H+ cotransport,23 known as the Jacob-Stewart mechanism (JS).24-26 Together, the ionophore and JS mediate net CaCl2 transport since the proton fluxes cancel out. Ca2+ transport is rate limited by the ionophore concentration because the high constitutive expression of the AE ensures nonlimiting speed in the co- and counter-ion transfers. The cytoplasmic Ca2+-buffering behavior of RBCs (B, CaB) may be approximated by [Ca2+]i = α[CaT]i, where α is approximately 0.3 over a wide range of [Ca2+]i values and [CaT]i is the total calcium content of the cells.27,28 Thus, normal RBC [CaT]i levels are hardly detectable, among the lowest of any cell in nature.29-31 At sufficiently high ionophore concentrations (usually > 10 μM in 10% hematocrit RBC suspensions) and appropriate external Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]o > 100 μM), the induced Ca2+ influx exceeds the Vmax of the PMCA in all the RBCs causing their [Ca2+]i levels to approach equilibrium with [Ca2+]o in a uniform manner.20 The ionophore-induced equilibrium sets [Ca2+]i /[Ca2+]o = ([H+]i/[H+]o).2,32 Addition of Co2+ in excess of [Ca2+]o instantly blocks Ca2+ transport by the ionophore allowing the PMCA to extrude the induced Ca2+ load.6,33 Co2+ is itself transported by the ionophore but at normal [Mg2+]i levels it has no effect on PMCA-mediated Ca2+ fluxes.34 The bottom part of the figure shows the transport systems that participate in the Ca2+-induced rapid dehydration response. Elevated [Ca2+]i triggers the dehydration process by activating the Gardos channels. Gardos channel activation hyperpolarizes the cell (E, membrane potential) driving Cl- out, resulting in the net loss of KCl and water. With full Gardos activation, dehydration is rate limited by the Cl- permeability.35 Replacement of approximately 10 mM Cl- by the more permeable anion SCN- maximizes the dehydration rate because rapid SCN-:Cl- exchange via AE, or SCN- diffusion across the membrane (dashed line), continually replenish the intracellular SCN- supply.18 Gardos-mediated dehydration has a very low temperature coefficient. With nonlimiting anion movement, maximal dehydration of RBCs may be attained within 10 to 30 minutes at 0°C to 4°C.18

Diagram of the RBC transport systems that participate in Ca2+-induced dehydration. The top part of the figure shows the transporters of Ca2+, Cl-, and H+ responsible for the net gain of CaCl2 by RBCs when exposed to the ionophore A23187. With RBCs suspended in a Ca2+-containing plasmalike medium, addition of the ionophore A23187 triggers an electroneutral entry of Ca2+ in exchange for protons with a Ca2+:2H+ stoichiometry. With CO2 concentrations at equilibrium across the RBC membrane, the anion exchanger (AE) and CO2 shunt operate jointly like an electroneutral Cl-:H+ cotransport,23  known as the Jacob-Stewart mechanism (JS).24-26  Together, the ionophore and JS mediate net CaCl2 transport since the proton fluxes cancel out. Ca2+ transport is rate limited by the ionophore concentration because the high constitutive expression of the AE ensures nonlimiting speed in the co- and counter-ion transfers. The cytoplasmic Ca2+-buffering behavior of RBCs (B, CaB) may be approximated by [Ca2+]i = α[CaT]i, where α is approximately 0.3 over a wide range of [Ca2+]i values and [CaT]i is the total calcium content of the cells.27,28  Thus, normal RBC [CaT]i levels are hardly detectable, among the lowest of any cell in nature.29-31  At sufficiently high ionophore concentrations (usually > 10 μM in 10% hematocrit RBC suspensions) and appropriate external Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]o > 100 μM), the induced Ca2+ influx exceeds the Vmax of the PMCA in all the RBCs causing their [Ca2+]i levels to approach equilibrium with [Ca2+]o in a uniform manner.20  The ionophore-induced equilibrium sets [Ca2+]i /[Ca2+]o = ([H+]i/[H+]o).2,32  Addition of Co2+ in excess of [Ca2+]o instantly blocks Ca2+ transport by the ionophore allowing the PMCA to extrude the induced Ca2+ load.6,33  Co2+ is itself transported by the ionophore but at normal [Mg2+]i levels it has no effect on PMCA-mediated Ca2+ fluxes.34  The bottom part of the figure shows the transport systems that participate in the Ca2+-induced rapid dehydration response. Elevated [Ca2+]i triggers the dehydration process by activating the Gardos channels. Gardos channel activation hyperpolarizes the cell (E, membrane potential) driving Cl- out, resulting in the net loss of KCl and water. With full Gardos activation, dehydration is rate limited by the Cl- permeability.35  Replacement of approximately 10 mM Cl- by the more permeable anion SCN- maximizes the dehydration rate because rapid SCN-:Cl- exchange via AE, or SCN- diffusion across the membrane (dashed line), continually replenish the intracellular SCN- supply.18  Gardos-mediated dehydration has a very low temperature coefficient. With nonlimiting anion movement, maximal dehydration of RBCs may be attained within 10 to 30 minutes at 0°C to 4°C.18 

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