Figure 1.
Figure 1. CFU-S numbers are elevated in SHIP-deficient mice. BM, spleen, or PB cells from SHIP-/- or SHIP+/+ mice were injected intravenously into lethally irradiated (900 cGy of 137Cs γ-radiation) Pep3b mice at cell doses adjusted to give 10 to 15 macroscopic spleen colonies (2 × 104 to 2 × 105 for BM and 5 × 105 to 2 × 106 for both spleen and PB). Of each genotype, 4 to 8 donors were used over 3 separate experiments, and cells were injected into 3 to 5 recipients at each dose. At 12 days after injection, animals were killed and the number of macroscopic colonies on the spleen was evaluated after fixation in Telleyesniczky solution. Shown is the number of day-12 CFU-S (number per femur × 16.6), spleen (SPL), or 1.5 mL PB in SHIP+/+ (white bars) or SHIP-/- (dark bars) mice. Data are expressed as mean CFU-S number ± SEM. *P < .001.

CFU-S numbers are elevated inSHIP-deficient mice. BM, spleen, or PB cells from SHIP-/- or SHIP+/+ mice were injected intravenously into lethally irradiated (900 cGy of 137Cs γ-radiation) Pep3b mice at cell doses adjusted to give 10 to 15 macroscopic spleen colonies (2 × 104 to 2 × 105 for BM and 5 × 105 to 2 × 106 for both spleen and PB). Of each genotype, 4 to 8 donors were used over 3 separate experiments, and cells were injected into 3 to 5 recipients at each dose. At 12 days after injection, animals were killed and the number of macroscopic colonies on the spleen was evaluated after fixation in Telleyesniczky solution. Shown is the number of day-12 CFU-S (number per femur × 16.6), spleen (SPL), or 1.5 mL PB in SHIP+/+ (white bars) or SHIP-/- (dark bars) mice. Data are expressed as mean CFU-S number ± SEM. *P < .001.

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