Figure 2.
Figure 2. Detection of FLT3 D835 mutations. Undigested and EcoRV-digested PCR products from UPN1344 with a 6-bp deletion of R834 and D835 and UPN507 with D835H mutation and deletion of I836. The upper doublets correspond to heteroduplexes. UPN306 and UPN3162 are D835 mutated and normal AML cases, respectively. MW indicates molecular weight markers.

Detection of FLT3 D835 mutations. Undigested and EcoRV-digested PCR products from UPN1344 with a 6-bp deletion of R834 and D835 and UPN507 with D835H mutation and deletion of I836. The upper doublets correspond to heteroduplexes. UPN306 and UPN3162 are D835 mutated and normal AML cases, respectively. MW indicates molecular weight markers.

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