Figure 1.
Figure 1. Summary of MPD marker analysis. (A) Cohort of 44 MPD patients. Open squares signify normal findings, black squares indicate abnormal values. Expression of c-MPL protein from platelets was detected by Western blot analysis and compared with CD61 to normalize for platelet protein loading. Unique patient numbers were placed above the corresponding lanes. L indicates decreased expression of c-MPL protein. PRV-1 and NFIB mRNA levels were determined by real-time PCR. Numbers indicate the ΔCT values (see “Study design”). Note that high numeric ΔCT values indicate low or normal abundance of mRNA (open squares), whereas low or negative ΔCT values signify elevated levels of expression (black squares). Presence (+) or absence (–) of EEC or 9pLOH is indicated. nd indicates not determined; P, polycythemia vera; E, essential thrombocythemia; and M, chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis. (B) Healthy controls. (C) Hereditary thrombocythemia. Individuals within the pedigree are placed above the corresponding lanes and are numbered as by Wiestner et al.13 Black symbols indicate affected individuals. Serum TPO concentration in pg/mL (numbers in italic) and platelet count × 109/L (numbers in regular style) are shown below each individual.

Summary of MPD marker analysis. (A) Cohort of 44 MPD patients. Open squares signify normal findings, black squares indicate abnormal values. Expression of c-MPL protein from platelets was detected by Western blot analysis and compared with CD61 to normalize for platelet protein loading. Unique patient numbers were placed above the corresponding lanes. L indicates decreased expression of c-MPL protein. PRV-1 and NFIB mRNA levels were determined by real-time PCR. Numbers indicate the ΔCT values (see “Study design”). Note that high numeric ΔCT values indicate low or normal abundance of mRNA (open squares), whereas low or negative ΔCT values signify elevated levels of expression (black squares). Presence (+) or absence (–) of EEC or 9pLOH is indicated. nd indicates not determined; P, polycythemia vera; E, essential thrombocythemia; and M, chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis. (B) Healthy controls. (C) Hereditary thrombocythemia. Individuals within the pedigree are placed above the corresponding lanes and are numbered as by Wiestner et al.13  Black symbols indicate affected individuals. Serum TPO concentration in pg/mL (numbers in italic) and platelet count × 109/L (numbers in regular style) are shown below each individual.

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