Figure 5.
Figure 5. ATRA promotes transcription through NF-κB response element. NB4 cells were electroporated with Igk κB constructs and treated for 48 hours. The combination of TNF and ATRA gave a stronger induction of luciferase than did either agent alone. Results shown are representative of 3 experiments performed in triplicate. Standard errors are less than 2%. Numbers above the bars indicate fold induction.

ATRA promotes transcription through NF-κB response element. NB4 cells were electroporated with Igk κB constructs and treated for 48 hours. The combination of TNF and ATRA gave a stronger induction of luciferase than did either agent alone. Results shown are representative of 3 experiments performed in triplicate. Standard errors are less than 2%. Numbers above the bars indicate fold induction.

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