Figure 4.
Figure 4. The half-life of TM mRNA in HUVECs treated with DRB, ox-LDL, or ox-PAPC. HUVECs were treated with 65 mM DRB alone (DRB), DRB plus 200 μg protein/mL ox-LDL (DRB + ox-LDL), ox-LDL alone (ox-LDL), DRB plus 50 μg/mL ox-PAPC (DRB + ox-PAPC), or ox-PAPC alone (ox-PAPC) for various times. Total RNA was isolated from the cells for RT-PCR analysis as described in “Materials and methods” (A,C). The autoradiogram was analyzed by densitometry and the data are expressed as the percentage of control after normalization to β-actin mRNA levels (B,D). Each symbol (▪, •, and ▴) represents 3 different experiments. The half-life (t 1/2) for each condition was calculated by linear regression analysis from semilog plots of the mRNA remaining versus incubation times and is reported as the mean.

The half-life of TM mRNA in HUVECs treated with DRB, ox-LDL, or ox-PAPC. HUVECs were treated with 65 mM DRB alone (DRB), DRB plus 200 μg protein/mL ox-LDL (DRB + ox-LDL), ox-LDL alone (ox-LDL), DRB plus 50 μg/mL ox-PAPC (DRB + ox-PAPC), or ox-PAPC alone (ox-PAPC) for various times. Total RNA was isolated from the cells for RT-PCR analysis as described in “Materials and methods” (A,C). The autoradiogram was analyzed by densitometry and the data are expressed as the percentage of control after normalization to β-actin mRNA levels (B,D). Each symbol (▪, •, and ▴) represents 3 different experiments. The half-life (t 1/2) for each condition was calculated by linear regression analysis from semilog plots of the mRNA remaining versus incubation times and is reported as the mean.

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