Figure 7.
Figure 7. Potential mode of action of the 5′HS4/IFN-SAR combination. (A) Standard lentiviral vector showing negative (heterochromatin spreading) and positive (vector enhancer activation of endogenous gene expression) integration site effects. P indicates promoter. (B) SIN lentiviral vector containing the 5′HS4/IFN-SAR combination evaluated in this study. The enhancer-blocking function of the 5′HS4 element requires CTCF binding sites.27 It has been suggested that barrier activity depends on other signals within the 5′HS4 element that recruit histone acetyltransferases, which would acetylate (AC) histone H3 on lysine 9 and prevent encroachment of methylation (Me) by histone methyltransferases (Suv39h).28,29 The IFN-SAR could antagonize histone H1–mediated repression of gene expression by preferential interaction with high mobility group proteins (HMG-I/Y).53,54 X indicates block of function. (C) The IFN-SAR associates with the nuclear scaffold/matrix and, in conjunction with the pair of 5′HS4 elements, could facilitate formation of chromatin loops conducive to transgene expression.24,31,40 Arrows indicate direction in which the various elements exert their influence.

Potential mode of action of the 5′HS4/IFN-SAR combination. (A) Standard lentiviral vector showing negative (heterochromatin spreading) and positive (vector enhancer activation of endogenous gene expression) integration site effects. P indicates promoter. (B) SIN lentiviral vector containing the 5′HS4/IFN-SAR combination evaluated in this study. The enhancer-blocking function of the 5′HS4 element requires CTCF binding sites.27  It has been suggested that barrier activity depends on other signals within the 5′HS4 element that recruit histone acetyltransferases, which would acetylate (AC) histone H3 on lysine 9 and prevent encroachment of methylation (Me) by histone methyltransferases (Suv39h).28,29  The IFN-SAR could antagonize histone H1–mediated repression of gene expression by preferential interaction with high mobility group proteins (HMG-I/Y).53,54  X indicates block of function. (C) The IFN-SAR associates with the nuclear scaffold/matrix and, in conjunction with the pair of 5′HS4 elements, could facilitate formation of chromatin loops conducive to transgene expression.24,31,40  Arrows indicate direction in which the various elements exert their influence.

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