Figure 1.
Figure 1. cDNA constructs used for mapping the NoS in RPS19. (A) Human wild-type RPS19 (H WT RPS19) is shown at the top of the panel as the black box. The ATG translational start site and the last codon coding for a histidine (H) are indicated. We generated 6 COOH-terminal truncations. The mutant GFP-RPS19 fusion proteins are labeled by the last amino acid number in the new COOH-terminal and by the number of deleted amino acids (Δ). We added a stop codon (located with arrow-heads) just before a putative NLS characterized by a cluster of basic amino acids: arginine (R), histidine (H), lysine (K). (B) We also generated 7 NH2-terminal truncations in GFP-RPS19 fusion proteins. These are labeled with the amino acid number of the NH2 terminus and by the number of deleted amino acids (Δ). We used EGFP ATG as the translational start site of the GFP-RPS19 fusion proteins, meaning that RPS19 was cloned in frame with upstream EGFP coding sequence.

cDNA constructs used for mapping the NoS in RPS19. (A) Human wild-type RPS19 (H WT RPS19) is shown at the top of the panel as the black box. The ATG translational start site and the last codon coding for a histidine (H) are indicated. We generated 6 COOH-terminal truncations. The mutant GFP-RPS19 fusion proteins are labeled by the last amino acid number in the new COOH-terminal and by the number of deleted amino acids (Δ). We added a stop codon (located with arrow-heads) just before a putative NLS characterized by a cluster of basic amino acids: arginine (R), histidine (H), lysine (K). (B) We also generated 7 NH2-terminal truncations in GFP-RPS19 fusion proteins. These are labeled with the amino acid number of the NH2 terminus and by the number of deleted amino acids (Δ). We used EGFP ATG as the translational start site of the GFP-RPS19 fusion proteins, meaning that RPS19 was cloned in frame with upstream EGFP coding sequence.

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