Figure 3.
Figure 3. Multiplex RT-PCR analysis of EA.hy926, HUVEC, and HepG2 mRNA extracts. Multiplex RT-PCR was performed on RNA prepared from EA.hy926 cells, HepG2 cells, HUVECs, and DMVECs (lanes 3-6). Primers were designed to span intron 3 of the hEPCR gene, and the size of the expected hEPCR transcript-dependent PCR amplification product was 125 bp. To confirm the integrity of RNA, RT-PCR was performed in multiplex with a housekeeping gene (TPI1). The expected size of amplification product was 884 bp. The amplified products were separated on a 2% agarose gel and compared with a 123 bp oligonucleotide ladder (lanes 1 and 8) and a no-RNA template negative control (lanes 2 and 7).

Multiplex RT-PCR analysis of EA.hy926, HUVEC, and HepG2 mRNA extracts. Multiplex RT-PCR was performed on RNA prepared from EA.hy926 cells, HepG2 cells, HUVECs, and DMVECs (lanes 3-6). Primers were designed to span intron 3 of the hEPCR gene, and the size of the expected hEPCR transcript-dependent PCR amplification product was 125 bp. To confirm the integrity of RNA, RT-PCR was performed in multiplex with a housekeeping gene (TPI1). The expected size of amplification product was 884 bp. The amplified products were separated on a 2% agarose gel and compared with a 123 bp oligonucleotide ladder (lanes 1 and 8) and a no-RNA template negative control (lanes 2 and 7).

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