Figure 5.
Figure 5. Northern and Western blot of C/EBP-α,-β,-δ,-ϵ,-γ, and -ζ. (A) Northern blot of total RNA from mature neutrophils and the 3 MACS-depleted populations of neutrophil precursors. The blot was hybridized with probes against C/EBP-α, -β, -δ, -ϵ,-γ, and -ζ. (B) Schematic representation of the hybridization intensities from panel A as in Figure 4. (C) Western blot of C/EBP-α,-β,-δ,-ϵ,-γ, and -ζ. Equal loading was assessed by probing with an antibody against α-tubulin (not shown). The arrows indicate the bands of the target proteins. The asterisk denotes an unspecific band in the C/EBP-γ blot.

Northern and Western blot of C/EBP-α,-β,-δ,-ϵ,-γ, and -ζ. (A) Northern blot of total RNA from mature neutrophils and the 3 MACS-depleted populations of neutrophil precursors. The blot was hybridized with probes against C/EBP-α, -β, -δ, -ϵ,-γ, and -ζ. (B) Schematic representation of the hybridization intensities from panel A as in Figure 4. (C) Western blot of C/EBP-α,-β,-δ,-ϵ,-γ, and -ζ. Equal loading was assessed by probing with an antibody against α-tubulin (not shown). The arrows indicate the bands of the target proteins. The asterisk denotes an unspecific band in the C/EBP-γ blot.

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