Figure 2.
Figure 2. Total GPVI expression compared by Western blotting. (A) A Western blot of platelet lysates (equivalent to 107 platelets per lane) probed with rabbit anti-GPVI polyclonal antiserum. An arbitrary control was prepared from a platelet concentrate pooled from 4 donors (conc). Each of the lanes i-viii represents the platelets of study donor samples, with the GPVI genotype indicated. Molecular weights (kDa) of protein markers are shown to the right. (B) To control for loading, blots were reprobed with anti–β-actin. (C) Densitometric analysis relative to the control (conc = 100%) for the GPVI band in each of the other lanes (▦), as well as pooled by genotype (□). *P < .001, for the difference between pooled values. Error bars indicate SEM.

Total GPVI expression compared by Western blotting. (A) A Western blot of platelet lysates (equivalent to 107 platelets per lane) probed with rabbit anti-GPVI polyclonal antiserum. An arbitrary control was prepared from a platelet concentrate pooled from 4 donors (conc). Each of the lanes i-viii represents the platelets of study donor samples, with the GPVI genotype indicated. Molecular weights (kDa) of protein markers are shown to the right. (B) To control for loading, blots were reprobed with anti–β-actin. (C) Densitometric analysis relative to the control (conc = 100%) for the GPVI band in each of the other lanes (▦), as well as pooled by genotype (□). *P < .001, for the difference between pooled values. Error bars indicate SEM.

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