Figure 6.
Figure 6. Morphologic analysis of phagocytosis of IgG-coated sheep RBCs after maturation of 32D cells induced by G-CSF. Transfectants of WT G-CSF-R (A-B) or the truncated G-CSF-R mutant (C-D) were incubated for 30 minutes with IgG-coated sheep RBCs in the presence (B,D) or in the absence (A,C) of G-CSF, 300 ng/mL, after incubation for 3 days with G-CSF, 100 ng/mL, performed to obtain partial granulocytic maturation. Stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa. Original magnification, × 100.

Morphologic analysis of phagocytosis of IgG-coated sheep RBCs after maturation of 32D cells induced by G-CSF. Transfectants of WT G-CSF-R (A-B) or the truncated G-CSF-R mutant (C-D) were incubated for 30 minutes with IgG-coated sheep RBCs in the presence (B,D) or in the absence (A,C) of G-CSF, 300 ng/mL, after incubation for 3 days with G-CSF, 100 ng/mL, performed to obtain partial granulocytic maturation. Stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa. Original magnification, × 100.

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