Fig. 2.
ICSBP-deficient mice present a systemic and selective loss of CD11c+CD8α+DEC205+ DCs.

ICSBP-deficient mice present a systemic and selective loss of CD11c+CD8α+DEC205+ DCs.

(A) CD8α and CD11c staining in low-density (LOD) mouse spleen cells from wild-type (left panels, +/+) or ICSBP−/− (right panels, −/−) animals. (B) DEC-205 and CD8α staining of the same populations after gating on CD11c+ cells. (C) CD4 expression in LOD cells gated on CD11c+CD8α. Experiment shown is representative of 3 performed. (D) CD11b expression on CD4+(left panel) and DN (right panel) CD11c+ populations in wild-type (filled pattern) and ICSBP−/− (open pattern) spleens. (E) Representative Giemsa-stained purified CD11c+DCs from wild-type (left panel) versus ICSBP−/− spleen (right panel). Original magnification, × 400 for both panels in 2E. (F) Analysis of CD11c+ cell levels in spleen, lymph node, Peyer patches, and thymus of wild-type (left-hand bars in each panel) or ICSBP−/− (right-hand bars) animals. The different segments of each bar represent the proportion of CD8α+ (black pattern), CD4+ (dotted pattern), and double-negative (DN, open pattern) cells present in each population. The difference in the ratio of CD8α+ cells in this figure versus that in Figure 2A may be related to the higher total cell numbers in ICSBP−/−(55 ± 3.9 × 107) versus wild-type (15 ± 1.9 × 107) spleen resulting in a smaller apparent CD8α+ cell reduction. Bars represent means ± SDs of absolute numbers of DCs per mouse (n = 5).

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