Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Immunostaining of RBC membrane proteins from Rh variant red cells. / Antibodies used for immunoblotting were as in Figure 1. (A) Sharp reduction of CD47 in D-- and D. red cells, characterized by the lack of expression of Cc and Ee antigens. (B) Normal migration pattern of RhAG in D-- samples, as compared with the abnormal migration in the 4.2(-) sample, used as control. 4.2-p55 stoichiometry revealed normal expression of protein 4.2 in the D-- sample. Similar results were obtained with the D. and with other D-- samples (not shown).

Immunostaining of RBC membrane proteins from Rh variant red cells.

Antibodies used for immunoblotting were as in Figure 1. (A) Sharp reduction of CD47 in D-- and D.. red cells, characterized by the lack of expression of Cc and Ee antigens. (B) Normal migration pattern of RhAG in D-- samples, as compared with the abnormal migration in the 4.2(-) sample, used as control. 4.2-p55 stoichiometry revealed normal expression of protein 4.2 in the D-- sample. Similar results were obtained with the D.. and with other D-- samples (not shown).

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