Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Detection of p53 dysfunction by Western blotting. / CLL cells were analyzed for p53 and p21 expression 10 to 18 hours after exposure to ionizing radiation (5 Gy). BCL-2 was used as a control for protein loading. Type A p53 dysfunction (due to TP53mutation) is characterized by increased baseline levels of p53 and impaired radiation-induced up-regulation of p21. Type B p53 dysfunction (due to ATM mutation) is characterized by impaired up-regulation of both p53 and p21.

Detection of p53 dysfunction by Western blotting.

CLL cells were analyzed for p53 and p21 expression 10 to 18 hours after exposure to ionizing radiation (5 Gy). BCL-2 was used as a control for protein loading. Type A p53 dysfunction (due to TP53mutation) is characterized by increased baseline levels of p53 and impaired radiation-induced up-regulation of p21. Type B p53 dysfunction (due to ATM mutation) is characterized by impaired up-regulation of both p53 and p21.

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