Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Probability of relapse in patients with FLT3 mutations and different mutant/wt allelic ratios. / Kaplan-Meier analysis of the probability of relapse in AML patients (60 and younger, de novo AML, and intermediate-risk cytogenetics). (A) ITD, TKD, and both mutations (ITD+ and TKD mut.). (B) Grouped according to a mutant/wt ratio below (group A) or above (group B) the median of 0.78 compared to FLT3-ITD–negative patients (group C). (C) Probability of relapse in patients with a mutant/wt ratio 0.37 or lower (group 1), 0.37 to 0.95 (group 2), and greater than 0.95 (group 3) compared to FLT3-ITD–negative patients (group 4).

Probability of relapse in patients with FLT3 mutations and different mutant/wt allelic ratios.

Kaplan-Meier analysis of the probability of relapse in AML patients (60 and younger, de novo AML, and intermediate-risk cytogenetics). (A) ITD, TKD, and both mutations (ITD+ and TKD mut.). (B) Grouped according to a mutant/wt ratio below (group A) or above (group B) the median of 0.78 compared to FLT3-ITD–negative patients (group C). (C) Probability of relapse in patients with a mutant/wt ratio 0.37 or lower (group 1), 0.37 to 0.95 (group 2), and greater than 0.95 (group 3) compared to FLT3-ITD–negative patients (group 4).

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