Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Inhibition of femoral artery CFRs after administration of different doses of 82D6A3 to baboons. / Different doses of 82D6A3 were administered to baboons and the CFRs were measured during 60 minutes. Data represent the mean with n = 2 for 0 and 600 μg/kg and mean ± SD with n = 3 for 100 and 300 μg/kg mAb 82D6A3. * = P < .05; † = P < .01. One-factor ANOVA followed by Fisher test was used for statistical evaluation.

Inhibition of femoral artery CFRs after administration of different doses of 82D6A3 to baboons.

Different doses of 82D6A3 were administered to baboons and the CFRs were measured during 60 minutes. Data represent the mean with n = 2 for 0 and 600 μg/kg and mean ± SD with n = 3 for 100 and 300 μg/kg mAb 82D6A3. * = P < .05; † = P < .01. One-factor ANOVA followed by Fisher test was used for statistical evaluation.

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