Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Differential resistance to CD3/TCR-dependent activation-induced cell death of ILT2+CD4+CTCL cells and autologous ILT2− CD4+ T cells. / (A) Upper panel: PBMCs from a patient with 30% circulating Sézary cells were stained with anti-ILT2 GHI/75 mAb followed by FITC-conjugated GAM Ig. After extensive washing to remove the excess of GAM Ig and blocking with normal mouse Ig, TRI-conjugated anti-CD4 mAb was added. The CD4+ILT2+ and CD4+ILT2− subpopulations were sorted. Lower panel: The ILT2+CD4+ and ILT2−CD4+ cell fractions were incubated for 9 hours with 10 μg/mL immobilized anti-CD3 (unshaded histogram) or isotype control mAb (shaded histogram) and analyzed for binding of annexin V and PI exclusion by flow cytometry. Percentages indicated for each fraction correspond to anti-CD3–stimulated apoptotic cells and were calculated after exclusion of PI-stained cells. (B) PBMCs from a different SS patient with 20% circulating Sézary cells were separated into CD4+ILT2+ and CD4+ILT2− subpopulations and tested for their resistance to cell death induced through CD3/TCR engagement, as described above.

Differential resistance to CD3/TCR-dependent activation-induced cell death of ILT2+CD4+CTCL cells and autologous ILT2 CD4+ T cells.

(A) Upper panel: PBMCs from a patient with 30% circulating Sézary cells were stained with anti-ILT2 GHI/75 mAb followed by FITC-conjugated GAM Ig. After extensive washing to remove the excess of GAM Ig and blocking with normal mouse Ig, TRI-conjugated anti-CD4 mAb was added. The CD4+ILT2+ and CD4+ILT2 subpopulations were sorted. Lower panel: The ILT2+CD4+ and ILT2CD4+ cell fractions were incubated for 9 hours with 10 μg/mL immobilized anti-CD3 (unshaded histogram) or isotype control mAb (shaded histogram) and analyzed for binding of annexin V and PI exclusion by flow cytometry. Percentages indicated for each fraction correspond to anti-CD3–stimulated apoptotic cells and were calculated after exclusion of PI-stained cells. (B) PBMCs from a different SS patient with 20% circulating Sézary cells were separated into CD4+ILT2+ and CD4+ILT2 subpopulations and tested for their resistance to cell death induced through CD3/TCR engagement, as described above.

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