Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Cytotoxicity assay using a mixture of target cells with and without. / PIG-A mutation. In the coexistence ofPIG-A mutant and control cells, NK cells preferably killed control cells than the mutant cells. Columns 1 and 2, control (GPI+) and PIG-A mutant (GPI−) K562 cells, respectively; columns 3 and 4, mixtures of the same number of control and the mutant cells. In the mixtures, only GPI+cells (column 3) and GPI− cells (column 4) were distinctively labeled with 51Cr. The target cells were then cocultured with NK cells (2E3) at E/T ratio (2:1). Each value represents the mean (± SD) of triplicate assays.

Cytotoxicity assay using a mixture of target cells with and without

PIG-A mutation. In the coexistence ofPIG-A mutant and control cells, NK cells preferably killed control cells than the mutant cells. Columns 1 and 2, control (GPI+) and PIG-A mutant (GPI) K562 cells, respectively; columns 3 and 4, mixtures of the same number of control and the mutant cells. In the mixtures, only GPI+cells (column 3) and GPI cells (column 4) were distinctively labeled with 51Cr. The target cells were then cocultured with NK cells (2E3) at E/T ratio (2:1). Each value represents the mean (± SD) of triplicate assays.

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