Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Flow cytometric analysis of the expression of CD59 and MHC class I on the target cells. / Cells positive and negative for GPI were prepared from myeloid (K562) and lymphoid (B, JY-5; T, MOLT-4) cell lines. CD59 was missing from GPI− cells but appeared on the control counterparts (GPI+ cells) (A). The pair of the mutant (GPI−) and control (GPI+) cells of each cell line expressed the MHC class I equally (B). Dotted lines show nonspecific background staining with isotype-matched mouse Ig instead of MoAb.

Flow cytometric analysis of the expression of CD59 and MHC class I on the target cells.

Cells positive and negative for GPI were prepared from myeloid (K562) and lymphoid (B, JY-5; T, MOLT-4) cell lines. CD59 was missing from GPI cells but appeared on the control counterparts (GPI+ cells) (A). The pair of the mutant (GPI) and control (GPI+) cells of each cell line expressed the MHC class I equally (B). Dotted lines show nonspecific background staining with isotype-matched mouse Ig instead of MoAb.

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