Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Time-lapse analysis of liposome movement on the collagen surface. / Each image is a composite created by the superimposition of 30 successive frames, taken at 66-millisecond intervals, Hct of 37.5%, shear rate of 2400 s−1, platelet count of 1.25 × 104/μL (12.5 × 109/L), 10 μg/mL soluble VWF, and 37°C. (A) The rGPIa/IIa-Ibα-liposomes with exofacial densities of rGPIa/IIa and rGPIbα at 2.17 × 103 and 1.00 × 104 molecules per particle, respectively. (B) The rGPIa/IIa-liposomes with exofacial density of rGPIa/IIa at 2.21 × 103 molecules per particle. (C) The rGPIbα-liposomes with exofacial density of rGPIbα at 1.16 × 104 molecules per particle. (D) Control liposomes.

Time-lapse analysis of liposome movement on the collagen surface.

Each image is a composite created by the superimposition of 30 successive frames, taken at 66-millisecond intervals, Hct of 37.5%, shear rate of 2400 s−1, platelet count of 1.25 × 104/μL (12.5 × 109/L), 10 μg/mL soluble VWF, and 37°C. (A) The rGPIa/IIa-Ibα-liposomes with exofacial densities of rGPIa/IIa and rGPIbα at 2.17 × 103 and 1.00 × 104 molecules per particle, respectively. (B) The rGPIa/IIa-liposomes with exofacial density of rGPIa/IIa at 2.21 × 103 molecules per particle. (C) The rGPIbα-liposomes with exofacial density of rGPIbα at 1.16 × 104 molecules per particle. (D) Control liposomes.

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