Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Venous thromboembolism-free survival in the cohort (Kaplan-Meier method). / Thrombosis-free survival curves in 299 heterozygous carriers of factor V Leiden (solid line) and in 248 noncarriers (dotted line) are plotted as a function of the duration of follow-up. Homozygous carriers are not considered in this analysis. F.V., factor V.

Venous thromboembolism-free survival in the cohort (Kaplan-Meier method).

Thrombosis-free survival curves in 299 heterozygous carriers of factor V Leiden (solid line) and in 248 noncarriers (dotted line) are plotted as a function of the duration of follow-up. Homozygous carriers are not considered in this analysis. F.V., factor V.

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