Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Amplification of REL on chromosome 2p. / (A) Mean ratio profile of chromosome 2 in cHL-24 derived from 33 chromosomes analyzed by CGH (central line = ratio value 1; green lines = ratio values of 1.25 and 1.5; red lines = values of 0.75 and 0.5). The profile shows a distinct peak at chromosomal region 2p15-p16, which reaches the diagnostic threshold of 1.25 and indicates high-level DNA amplification. This region corresponds to the mapping position of the REL oncogene. (B, C) FISH analysis of cHL-24 with a REL specific probe (green) and a centromeric specific probe for chromosome 2 (red) on CD30+HRS cells (blue). Three to 4 centromeric signals are detected in each cell. Multiple green signals indicate amplification ofREL, therefore revealing this oncogene as part of the 2p15-p16 amplicon detected by CGH. Original magnification, ×630.

Amplification of REL on chromosome 2p.

(A) Mean ratio profile of chromosome 2 in cHL-24 derived from 33 chromosomes analyzed by CGH (central line = ratio value 1; green lines = ratio values of 1.25 and 1.5; red lines = values of 0.75 and 0.5). The profile shows a distinct peak at chromosomal region 2p15-p16, which reaches the diagnostic threshold of 1.25 and indicates high-level DNA amplification. This region corresponds to the mapping position of the REL oncogene. (B, C) FISH analysis of cHL-24 with a REL specific probe (green) and a centromeric specific probe for chromosome 2 (red) on CD30+HRS cells (blue). Three to 4 centromeric signals are detected in each cell. Multiple green signals indicate amplification ofREL, therefore revealing this oncogene as part of the 2p15-p16 amplicon detected by CGH. Original magnification, ×630.

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