Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Hierarchical cluster analysis of 37 cHLs with chromosomal imbalances. / Data are according to Eisen et al.22 The dendrogram was divided into clusters C1 to C4, which are indicated in gray. Histologic subtypes of the clustered cHL tumors are indicated by differently colored bars—cHL-NS in blue, cHL-MC in orange, cHL-LR in violet, and cHL-LD in green. Average values of age at time of diagnosis and the female-to-male ratio (f/m) in C1 to C4 are indicated. Below the dendrogram, all gains and losses of chromosomal subbands are represented by green and red squares, respectively. Selected chromosomal arms and subbands are indicated. Note the clustering of cHL-NS tumors in C1 compared with the dispersed distribution of cHL-MC tumors in clusters C2 to C4. In C2 a distinct group of mostly cHL-MC cases is visible, associated with gains of chromosome 17p and a low average age of the patients at the time of diagnosis.

Hierarchical cluster analysis of 37 cHLs with chromosomal imbalances.

Data are according to Eisen et al.22 The dendrogram was divided into clusters C1 to C4, which are indicated in gray. Histologic subtypes of the clustered cHL tumors are indicated by differently colored bars—cHL-NS in blue, cHL-MC in orange, cHL-LR in violet, and cHL-LD in green. Average values of age at time of diagnosis and the female-to-male ratio (f/m) in C1 to C4 are indicated. Below the dendrogram, all gains and losses of chromosomal subbands are represented by green and red squares, respectively. Selected chromosomal arms and subbands are indicated. Note the clustering of cHL-NS tumors in C1 compared with the dispersed distribution of cHL-MC tumors in clusters C2 to C4. In C2 a distinct group of mostly cHL-MC cases is visible, associated with gains of chromosome 17p and a low average age of the patients at the time of diagnosis.

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