Fig. 3.
Analysis of hematopoietic reconstitution after transplantation of FL cells into lethally irradiated recipients.

Analysis of hematopoietic reconstitution after transplantation of FL cells into lethally irradiated recipients.

(A) C57Bl/6 FL cells on the hemoglobin single (Hbs) background were collected from STAT5ab−/− and wild-type mice and counted. The cells were then injected into lethally irradiated (1100 rads) C57Bl/6 HW80 recipient mice that differ in the endogenous hemoglobin expression pattern and are hemoglobin diffuse (Hbd). Eight to 10 weeks later the mice were bled, and the packed red blood cells were separated by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate gels. The Hbs and Hbd patterns of control mice that did not receive transplants are shown on the right. (B) In a second experiment, FL cells (Ly-5.2) were injected into lethally irradiated Ly-5.1 recipient mice. Shown are representative examples of mice analyzed for Ly-5.2 expression 11 weeks after transplantation. Ly-5.1 negative control and Ly-5.2 positive controls are shown in the left panels. On the right are mice that received transplants of wild-type FL (upper panel) or STAT5ab−/−FL cells (lower panel). (C) To demonstrate a typical lineage analysis of the STAT5ab−/− FL engraftment, gating based on forward-scatter and side-scatter profiles typical for lymphocytes (B220, CD4, and Ter119), monocytes (Mac-1), and granulocytes (Gr-1) was combined with the lineage antibodies indicated. The percentage of cells falling within the upper quadrants and the lower-right quadrant is shown.

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