Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. A zebrafish myeloid-specific peroxidase(mpx) gene. / (A) Domain homology alignment of Danio rerio (dr) peroxidase, compared with human (hs) and murine (mm) myeloperoxidase (MPO), eosinophil peroxidase (EPX), lactoperoxidase (LPO), and thyroid peroxidase (TPO). Bold numbers within domains indicate percentage amino acid identity to the zebrafish peroxidase in region 1 (shaded) and the catalytic domain (open). Numbers under the box diagrams representing each protein indicate the amino acid number of the junction shown, counted from the initiation methionine, except for zebrafish peroxidase, where the italicized numbering starts from the first amino acid of the conceptual translation of the incomplete cDNA clone 16. (B) Three variant carboxyl termini of the Danio rerioperoxidase. The upper sequence (exemplified by clone 16) represents the most prevalent cDNA form recovered from library screening (GenBankAF378824). Clone 11 contained a 38-nucleotide deletion of the 38 nucleotides 1930-1967 (position marked by ▾), resulting in a change in reading frame and the variant conceptual translation shown (GenBankAF378825). Clone 14 differed from clones 16 and 11, again diverging after nucleotide 1929 (marked by *), resulting in the variant conceptual translation shown (GenBank AF378826). Six clones appeared to have a retained intron of 587-91 nucleotides after nucleotide 1735, and other clones identified 3 more apparently retained introns (length)—after nucleotide 1065 (91 nt), after nucleotide 1325 (90 nt), and after nucleotide 1496 (92 nt). (C) Phylogenetic analysis of theDanio rerio peroxidase with its closest mammalian homologues. Analysis was confined to the catalytic domain of each protein. The dendrogram was constructed using Clustal X and Treeview, building on the analysis of the entire peroxidase family as given in Daiyasu and Toh,24 using linoleate diol synthase (LDS) from Gaeumannomyces graminis (gg) as an outgroup. Bootstrap values (n = 1000) are indicated at nodes as percentages. SPO, salivary peroxidase; bt, bovine.

A zebrafish myeloid-specific peroxidase(mpx) gene.

(A) Domain homology alignment of Danio rerio (dr) peroxidase, compared with human (hs) and murine (mm) myeloperoxidase (MPO), eosinophil peroxidase (EPX), lactoperoxidase (LPO), and thyroid peroxidase (TPO). Bold numbers within domains indicate percentage amino acid identity to the zebrafish peroxidase in region 1 (shaded) and the catalytic domain (open). Numbers under the box diagrams representing each protein indicate the amino acid number of the junction shown, counted from the initiation methionine, except for zebrafish peroxidase, where the italicized numbering starts from the first amino acid of the conceptual translation of the incomplete cDNA clone 16. (B) Three variant carboxyl termini of the Danio rerioperoxidase. The upper sequence (exemplified by clone 16) represents the most prevalent cDNA form recovered from library screening (GenBankAF378824). Clone 11 contained a 38-nucleotide deletion of the 38 nucleotides 1930-1967 (position marked by ▾), resulting in a change in reading frame and the variant conceptual translation shown (GenBankAF378825). Clone 14 differed from clones 16 and 11, again diverging after nucleotide 1929 (marked by *), resulting in the variant conceptual translation shown (GenBank AF378826). Six clones appeared to have a retained intron of 587-91 nucleotides after nucleotide 1735, and other clones identified 3 more apparently retained introns (length)—after nucleotide 1065 (91 nt), after nucleotide 1325 (90 nt), and after nucleotide 1496 (92 nt). (C) Phylogenetic analysis of theDanio rerio peroxidase with its closest mammalian homologues. Analysis was confined to the catalytic domain of each protein. The dendrogram was constructed using Clustal X and Treeview, building on the analysis of the entire peroxidase family as given in Daiyasu and Toh,24 using linoleate diol synthase (LDS) from Gaeumannomyces graminis (gg) as an outgroup. Bootstrap values (n = 1000) are indicated at nodes as percentages. SPO, salivary peroxidase; bt, bovine.

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