Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Time course of activation of Lyn and Syk in deoxygenated SS cells. / SS cells were incubated either under oxygenated (O2) or deoxygenated conditions (N2). After immunoprecipitation and IC assays with [γ-32P] ATP, the reaction products were separated by gel electrophoresis, and activities were estimated from the32P incorporation into Lyn (A) and Syk (B) and quantified by Image Quant Software. Data shown are means ± SE of 3 (Lyn) or 5 (Syk) independent experiments, carried out in duplicate. *Significantly different from oxygenated control.

Time course of activation of Lyn and Syk in deoxygenated SS cells.

SS cells were incubated either under oxygenated (O2) or deoxygenated conditions (N2). After immunoprecipitation and IC assays with [γ-32P] ATP, the reaction products were separated by gel electrophoresis, and activities were estimated from the32P incorporation into Lyn (A) and Syk (B) and quantified by Image Quant Software. Data shown are means ± SE of 3 (Lyn) or 5 (Syk) independent experiments, carried out in duplicate. *Significantly different from oxygenated control.

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