Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Effects of PGD2 and other eicosanoids on CD11b expression by eosinophils and neutrophils. / CD11b expression was measured in eosinophils (A) and neutrophils (B) as shown in Figure 2. The results are expressed as percentages (± SE) of the maximal responses to 5-oxo-ETE for eosinophils (98% ± 9% above control) and neutrophils (114% ± 21% above control) after subtraction of control values. Experiments were performed on cells from the numbers of different individuals indicated for PGD2(●; n = 21) 5-oxo-ETE (○, 5o-ETE; n = 10), PGF2α(▴; n = 3), PGE2 (▿; n = 3), and U46619(■; n = 3).

Effects of PGD2 and other eicosanoids on CD11b expression by eosinophils and neutrophils.

CD11b expression was measured in eosinophils (A) and neutrophils (B) as shown in Figure 2. The results are expressed as percentages (± SE) of the maximal responses to 5-oxo-ETE for eosinophils (98% ± 9% above control) and neutrophils (114% ± 21% above control) after subtraction of control values. Experiments were performed on cells from the numbers of different individuals indicated for PGD2(●; n = 21) 5-oxo-ETE (○, 5o-ETE; n = 10), PGF(▴; n = 3), PGE2 (▿; n = 3), and U46619(■; n = 3).

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