Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Expression of adhesive molecules in HMEC-1 treated with VT-1. / Micrographs of HMEC-1 treated with control medium (A,C,E) or VT-1 (10 pM, 24 hours; B,D,F) and stained for vitronectin receptor αvβ3 (A,B), P-selectin (C,D), and PECAM-1 (E,F). HMEC-1 exposed to VT-1 showed an increased surface expression of vitronectin receptor and P-selectin as a diffuse granular pattern. PECAM-1 appeared redistributed away from the cell junctions after VT-1 treatment (n = 3 experiments).

Expression of adhesive molecules in HMEC-1 treated with VT-1.

Micrographs of HMEC-1 treated with control medium (A,C,E) or VT-1 (10 pM, 24 hours; B,D,F) and stained for vitronectin receptor αvβ3 (A,B), P-selectin (C,D), and PECAM-1 (E,F). HMEC-1 exposed to VT-1 showed an increased surface expression of vitronectin receptor and P-selectin as a diffuse granular pattern. PECAM-1 appeared redistributed away from the cell junctions after VT-1 treatment (n = 3 experiments).

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