Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Q576R polymorphism and mastocytosis. / IL-4RA Q576R polymorphism is associated with lower levels of surrogate disease markers, tryptase (A) and soluble CD117 (sCD117) (B), in mastocytosis. Each data point represents the result from one patient. Bars represent median values. AU indicates arbitrary units (1 AU = 1.4 ng); WT, wild type.

Q576R polymorphism and mastocytosis.

IL-4RA Q576R polymorphism is associated with lower levels of surrogate disease markers, tryptase (A) and soluble CD117 (sCD117) (B), in mastocytosis. Each data point represents the result from one patient. Bars represent median values. AU indicates arbitrary units (1 AU = 1.4 ng); WT, wild type.

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