Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Histologic examination reveals zonal hepatic microvesicular steatosis inFancc−/−Sod1−/− mice. / Histology of Fancc−/−Sod1−/− and control livers (magnification × 400). Sections ofFancc−/−(A,E),Sod1−/−(B,F),Fancc+/−Sod1+/− (C,G),and Fancc−/−Sod1−/− (D,H) livers were stained with Masson trichrome (A-D) and oil red-O (E-H). WhereasFancc−/−, Sod1−/−, andFancc+/−Sod1+/−cells show normal morphology, Fancc−/−Sod1−/−hepatocytes demonstrate a zone 3 abnormality characterized by abundant cytoplasmic vacuolation. Staining with oil red-O demonstrates prominent microvesicular zone 3 lipid accumulation without nuclear displacement in Fancc−/−Sod1−/−mice. Small amounts of lipid droplets are present inSod1−/− mice.

Histologic examination reveals zonal hepatic microvesicular steatosis inFancc−/−Sod1−/−mice.

Histology of Fancc−/−Sod1−/−and control livers (magnification × 400). Sections ofFancc−/−(A,E),Sod1−/−(B,F),Fancc+/−Sod1+/−(C,G),and Fancc−/−Sod1−/−(D,H) livers were stained with Masson trichrome (A-D) and oil red-O (E-H). WhereasFancc−/−, Sod1−/−, andFancc+/−Sod1+/−cells show normal morphology, Fancc−/−Sod1−/−hepatocytes demonstrate a zone 3 abnormality characterized by abundant cytoplasmic vacuolation. Staining with oil red-O demonstrates prominent microvesicular zone 3 lipid accumulation without nuclear displacement in Fancc−/−Sod1−/−mice. Small amounts of lipid droplets are present inSod1−/−mice.

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