Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Quantification of IFN-αR2c mRNA levels in CML patient samples at diagnosis using LightCycler technology. / (A) Logarithmic plot (F2/F1) of fluorescence versus cycle number. Six standard dilutions of plasmid pIFN-αR2-2 were compared with 2 patient samples of unknown IFN-αR2c mRNA concentration. Calculated concentrations of 2 patient samples were, respectively, 50 500 (X) and 7,750 (Y) IFN-αR2c transcripts at the start of the reaction. (B) Fluorescence history. Original graph given by the LightCycler. This figure illustrates the possibility of detecting 10 molecules of plasmid pIFN-αR2-2. NTC, no template control.

Quantification of IFN-αR2c mRNA levels in CML patient samples at diagnosis using LightCycler technology.

(A) Logarithmic plot (F2/F1) of fluorescence versus cycle number. Six standard dilutions of plasmid pIFN-αR2-2 were compared with 2 patient samples of unknown IFN-αR2c mRNA concentration. Calculated concentrations of 2 patient samples were, respectively, 50 500 (X) and 7,750 (Y) IFN-αR2c transcripts at the start of the reaction. (B) Fluorescence history. Original graph given by the LightCycler. This figure illustrates the possibility of detecting 10 molecules of plasmid pIFN-αR2-2. NTC, no template control.

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