Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. STAT1 binding to the IRF-1 GAS element is reduced in FA-C cell lines. / EMSA of STAT1 binding to oligonucleotides corresponding to the GAS element in the IRF-1 promoter. (A) IFNγ-inducible STAT1 binding is diminished in FancC−/− cells (MEF61) (lanes 6 through 10) compared with WT MEFs (MEF11.1) (lanes 1 through 5). Murine IFNγ was used at 1 ng/mL at 37°C. (B) No STAT1 binding occurs in HSC536N/neo (lanes 1 through 5), whereas in HSC536N/FANCC, STAT1 binds in an IFNγ-inducible manner (lanes 6 through 10). Cells were treated with 1 ng/mL human IFNγ at 37°C.

STAT1 binding to the IRF-1 GAS element is reduced in FA-C cell lines.

EMSA of STAT1 binding to oligonucleotides corresponding to the GAS element in the IRF-1 promoter. (A) IFNγ-inducible STAT1 binding is diminished in FancC−/− cells (MEF61) (lanes 6 through 10) compared with WT MEFs (MEF11.1) (lanes 1 through 5). Murine IFNγ was used at 1 ng/mL at 37°C. (B) No STAT1 binding occurs in HSC536N/neo (lanes 1 through 5), whereas in HSC536N/FANCC, STAT1 binds in an IFNγ-inducible manner (lanes 6 through 10). Cells were treated with 1 ng/mL human IFNγ at 37°C.

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