Fig. 2.
Cytokine stimulation-induced homing of CD34+CD38+ cells.
(A) G-SCF MPB CD34+-enriched cells were incubated with SCF (50 ng/mL) for 3.5 days. Flow cytometry analyses of CD34/CXCR4 (i) and CD34/CD38 (ii) staining before and after 3.5 days of stimulation are shown. Homing CD34+CD38+ cells in the BM of transplanted mice (iii). A representative experiment of 3 performed is shown. (B) CD34/CXCR4 (i) and C34/CD38 (ii) status of purified CB CD34−CD38−Lin− cells. Enriched CD34−CD38−/low and CD34+CD38−/low cells before transwell migration (iii, see also Table 1).