Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. B-lineage lymphocytes arise from early precursors under defined culture conditions. / Sorted Lin− c-kitHi (7500 cells/well), Lin− c-kitLo (3000 cells/well), or Lin− c-kit− cells (10 000 cells/well) were placed in serum-free, stromal cell-free cultures. After 7 days cells were collected, counted, and analyzed by flow cytometry. Each dot represents absolute numbers of CD19+ cells per input in a single experiment. This was determined by simply dividing numbers of recovered lymphocytes by the numbers of precursors used to initiate the cultures.

B-lineage lymphocytes arise from early precursors under defined culture conditions.

Sorted Lin c-kitHi (7500 cells/well), Lin c-kitLo (3000 cells/well), or Lin c-kit cells (10 000 cells/well) were placed in serum-free, stromal cell-free cultures. After 7 days cells were collected, counted, and analyzed by flow cytometry. Each dot represents absolute numbers of CD19+ cells per input in a single experiment. This was determined by simply dividing numbers of recovered lymphocytes by the numbers of precursors used to initiate the cultures.

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