Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Scatchard analysis of 125I-labeled rhGM-CSF binding to M1 cells expressing α and βc subunits of GM-CSF receptor. / Cells were incubated with decreasing concentrations of labeled rhGM-CSF in the presence or absence of 100-fold excess of unlabeled rhGM-CSF, on ice for 3 hours. Bound and free rhGM-CSF fractions were separated by centrifugation through fetal calf serum. The bound and free fractions were quantitated in a gamma-counter. Scatchard transformation of the data was performed assuming 100% binding ability of labeled ligand. Graphs show representative curves from a single pool of transduced cells. At least 3 pools were produced for each receptor combination.

Scatchard analysis of 125I-labeled rhGM-CSF binding to M1 cells expressing α and βc subunits of GM-CSF receptor.

Cells were incubated with decreasing concentrations of labeled rhGM-CSF in the presence or absence of 100-fold excess of unlabeled rhGM-CSF, on ice for 3 hours. Bound and free rhGM-CSF fractions were separated by centrifugation through fetal calf serum. The bound and free fractions were quantitated in a gamma-counter. Scatchard transformation of the data was performed assuming 100% binding ability of labeled ligand. Graphs show representative curves from a single pool of transduced cells. At least 3 pools were produced for each receptor combination.

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