Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. The effect of antiviral treatment on t(14;18) translocation in patients with chronic HCV infection. / Detection of t(14;18) translocation by MBR bcl-2/JH nested PCR in PBMCs from patients with chronic HCV infection before and after antiviral treatment. Lanes 1 and 2: pretreatment t(14;18) translocation in this patient persisted upon completion of antiviral treatment. The patient had no virologic response; lanes 3 and 4: loss of pretreatment t(14;18) translocation in a patient who also had a virologic response to combination treatment with interferon-α and ribavirin; lane 5: negative control; lane 6: positive control (sample from a patient with follicular B-cell lymphoma); lane 7: molecular weight marker. PCR products were separated on 6% acrylamide gel.

The effect of antiviral treatment on t(14;18) translocation in patients with chronic HCV infection.

Detection of t(14;18) translocation by MBR bcl-2/JH nested PCR in PBMCs from patients with chronic HCV infection before and after antiviral treatment. Lanes 1 and 2: pretreatment t(14;18) translocation in this patient persisted upon completion of antiviral treatment. The patient had no virologic response; lanes 3 and 4: loss of pretreatment t(14;18) translocation in a patient who also had a virologic response to combination treatment with interferon-α and ribavirin; lane 5: negative control; lane 6: positive control (sample from a patient with follicular B-cell lymphoma); lane 7: molecular weight marker. PCR products were separated on 6% acrylamide gel.

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